08. January 2025

International work at the HSZG

A key to securing skilled workers and regional development

With a holistic approach, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences supports international students in their integration - academically, socially and professionally.

In view of the increasing shortage of skilled workers in Germany, internationalization is becoming more and more strategically and economically important. The skills strategy of the Free State of Saxony also emphasizes that the shortage of skilled workers is one of the greatest risks to growth for Saxony as a business location. In this context, the topic of internationalization is playing an increasingly important role at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. With the aim of attracting more international students and providing them with advice during their studies and beyond, the HSZG focuses on comprehensive guidance and support in both academic and non-academic areas. Particular attention is paid to the social integration of students and the promotion of their integration into the Saxon labor market.

In order to achieve these goals, the Internationalization Working Group was set up at the HSZG under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs, Professor Sophia Keil. Its task is to further develop the existing internationalization strategy and continuously adapt it to the changing needs of students and economic challenges. A central concern is to create an open and warm welcoming culture and to actively promote the integration of international students both academically and socially. By providing targeted support for integration into the German labor market, the HSZG makes a significant contribution to securing skilled workers in the region and supports the implementation of the skilled worker strategy of the Free State of Saxony. With this initiative, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences makes a valuable contribution to the future viability of Saxony as a business location and strengthens its international appeal.

"Internationalization at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is more than just a strategic goal for us - it is a decisive contribution to securing skilled workers and to regional development. International students are an invaluable asset for our university and the region: they bring with them new perspectives, skills and cultural diversity that enrich and strengthen our community. We support them on their academic, social and professional path with targeted measures in order to open up long-term prospects for them in the Free State of Saxony. In doing so, we rely on a welcoming culture that promotes participation and encourages mutual learning." - Professor Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil, Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs.

As part of the Internationalization Working Group, colleagues from various areas of the university work together and pool their expertise to develop concrete measures. The members include Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil (Vice-Rector Education and International Affairs), Dr. Cristiano Marcellino (Head of the University Language Center), Dr. Ewa Wieszczeczynska (Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies), Alina Bulcsu (Head of the International Office), Susanne Fentzel (University Development and Communication), Kristin Groß (KIA Representative of the Rector), Corina Haak (KIA International) and Inna Hauf (Specialist Initiative in the area of the Vice-Rectorate Education and International Affairs).

The working group is open to all university employees - everyone is welcome to participate and contribute their own ideas.

The working group kicked off with a kick-off workshop on 20 June 2024, where thoughts and ideas were exchanged and an internationalization plan was developed. The vision was formulated, clear goals were derived and specific tasks were defined. Since then, the team has met regularly for a monthly jour fixe to discuss the results and develop new, needs-based solutions. Since its foundation, the working group has presented its plans and measures in various internal committees and integrated valuable feedback. In addition, external partners such as regional companies and the Firmenausbildungsring Oberland have been involved. The working group was represented at the IHK employers' conference.

Photo: HSZG
From left to right: Alina Bulcsu, Julia Rülicke, Susanne Fentzel, Dr. Cristiano Marcellino, Antje Pfitzner, Dr. Ewa Wieszczeczynska, Prof.in Dr.in Sophia Keil, Kristin Groß, Dr. Lucie Koutkova

To support the Skilled Workforce Strategy 2030, the Free State of Saxony has developed a comprehensive action plan and provided funding for the targeted implementation of the measures. As part of the internationalization working group, the HSZG has launched its own specialist staff initiative. This includes the targeted approach and recruitment of international prospective and new students, ensuring the success of their studies as well as the support and promotion of students in both academic and non-academic areas. A further component of this initiative is preparing international students for integration into the Saxon labor market.

A dedicated team of three people is responsible for this: Susanne Fentzel is in charge of recruiting prospective international students, Dr. Cristiano Marcellino is responsible for ensuring students' success in their studies, and Inna Hauf is dedicated to preparing students for the job market and their integration into the regional economy.

Targeted measures have been developed for the target groups, consisting of the international students of the HSZG, the students of the preparatory college in Zittau and the preparatory college of Rahn Education in Leipzig, and a comprehensive action plan has been drawn up for the winter semester 2024/2025. Since the start of the semester in just three months, around 90% of the target group have actively participated in the measures on offer. This illustrates the great importance and necessity of internationalization work and shows how important it is to provide international students with targeted support.

Individual advice plays a major role in supporting international students. Many of them seek advice on topics such as study support, recognizing their own abilities and potential, application checks and career prospects. These services are particularly popular with Studienkolleg students, who make great use of the advice on offer.

In addition, workshops such as "Applying, but the right way" were organized, which provided students with valuable tips and tricks for applications and job interviews. Afterwards, participants were given the opportunity to receive personal advice to further optimize their applications.

On November 5 and 6, 2024, the HSZG welcomed the students of the Rahn Studienkolleg Leipzig. The international guests traveled from Leipzig to get to know the university and the region. The guests received comprehensive information about studying at the HSZG. The visit began with a campus tour and laboratory tours, which introduced the students to the modern facilities and technical equipment at the HSZG. In the evening, they were invited to a welcome party/the international evening in the Dezi-Bar, where the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs opened the current winter semester together with the students, the international students and the international staff of the HSZG. The relaxed atmosphere provided an opportunity to get to know each other and gain initial insights into university life. On the second day, the focus was on laboratory practicals and workshops. In small groups, the students exchanged ideas with lecturers and students at the HSZG and got to know the university's individual support structure.

A key component of the action plan is the provision of career prospects for international students. A particular focus here is on the targeted preparation of students for integration into the Saxon labor market. To this end, numerous events have already been organized to support this goal.

On 8 November 2024, the HSZG's skilled workers initiative organized a joint visit to the late shift in Zittau. Numerous companies from the region opened their doors and offered the international students company tours and demonstrations. Competent contacts were available to answer questions about working student jobs, internships and career opportunities after graduation. The exchange was enriching and provided the students with valuable information and practical tips. The enthusiasm of the international students, who took the opportunity to get to know the regional companies at first hand, was particularly pleasing.

In addition, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences organized company tours at regional companies such as Glaubitz GmbH & Co KG in Zittau and V.D. Ledermann & Co GmbH in Bautzen to give the students an understanding of career prospects in the region.

In the future, further events are planned with the companies at the HSZG, such as "Companies introduce themselves". At these events, companies will present their goals, services and strategies, show students entry prospects and present exciting internship and part-time job offers.

"The international students who integrate into our region as future specialists are a valuable asset. Their professional expertise, combined with cultural diversity, not only makes a significant contribution to securing skilled workers in our region, but also promotes social and regional wealth. It is therefore of great importance to highlight the career opportunities and prospects of international students in our region and to integrate them into the region's working world right from the start of their studies. The gratitude and joy of the students and graduates for the support they have received in their professional integration and the positive response from regional companies make me confident about the future of our region - a future that will be characterized by international and cultural diversity as well as dynamic economic growth." - Inna Hauf, Specialist Initiative in the Prorectorate for Education and International Affairs.

The HSZG also offers a wide range of non-academic leisure activities that help international students to integrate socially and regionally.

The International Campus Café at the Görlitz campus offers an exciting experience - a place where students can get to know new cultures and languages in a relaxed atmosphere and improve their language skills at the same time. In addition, students from other countries receive valuable support with the challenges they face in everyday student life. Whether international students or locals - everyone who is interested in intercultural exchange is welcome here. All participants need to bring is a cup for the coffee and a plate for the cake. Everything else is provided - and a sympathetic ear is guaranteed. The International Campus Café has established itself and is organized with great commitment by students every two weeks on the Görlitz campus.

The crowning event of the year was the International Dinner in the DeZi-Bar on December 18, 2024 - one of the most enjoyable events offered at the HSZG. Around 80 students from over 10 different countries (e.g. Mexico, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, India, China, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Syria, Indonesia, Germany) as well as university staff prepared delicious dishes from their home countries and invited everyone to try these special treats. A large table was set with culinary specialties from all over the world so that participants could embark on a taste journey around the globe. Students from the Zittau and Görlitz campuses came together in a relaxed atmosphere, introduced themselves and talked about how they came to our region and what they particularly like about it. Following the banquet, a raffle provided even more fun. The students not only had a lot of fun, but also got to know new cultures and celebrated their culinary traditions together.

"Working on the internationalization of our university is a profound personal enrichment for me and a milestone for the entire university. It has opened up new horizons for all of us - the students, the university and myself. Initiatives such as the Campus Café, the Welcome Party and the International Dinner have impressively demonstrated how inspiring the coming together of cultures, tastes, ideas and languages can be. United around a table, differences disappear and a vibrant sense of community, mutual respect and belonging emerges. These moments of inclusion are at the heart of our international exchange." - Dr. Cristiano Marcellino, University Language Centre and Specialist Initiative at the Vice-Rectorate Education and International Affairs.

Leisure activities, such as hikes in the Zittau Mountains, bowling evenings, visits to the theater or ice skating, complement the HSZG's offerings and make a significant contribution to promoting the social and regional integration of our international students. These shared experiences enable them to get to know the region better and feel welcome and integrated in their new surroundings.

In August 2024, the first report was submitted to the SMWK, in which the internationalization plan and the planned measures were presented. Further reporting on the success of the implemented measures will follow in January 2025. At the same time, a survey of international students will be conducted to determine their wishes, ideas and needs. Future plans and measures will be optimized on the basis of these findings. In addition, a joint workshop is being prepared to modernize the internationalization strategy.

We are on a promising path and look forward with confidence to a future that will be characterized by international and cultural diversity as well as dynamic economic growth. The HSZG plays an important role as a driving force and is actively shaping this positive change in our region.

Special thanks go to the HSZG Sponsors' Association, whose financial support made the international events possible.

We would also like to thank all those involved who actively supported the organization and implementation of the events.

Your contacts in the area of internationalization:

Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs:

International Office:

M.A. Alina Bulcsu

Specialist Initiative:

KIA International:

Corina Haak

Your contact persons

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Sophia Keil
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.51.3
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3010
Inna Hauf
Graduate business economist
Inna Hauf
Vice-Rectorate for Education and International Affairs
Skilled labor initiative & project "Future Learning Location Upper Lusatia" (ZukLOS)
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.05
First floor
+49 3583 612-4741